
Asia Pacific Property Awards 2024-2025

全球地產界年度大獎 Asia Pacific Property Awards 2024-2025,日前公佈得獎結果,並假曼谷舉行盛大頒獎典禮,雲集全球頂尖發展商及地產代理精英,場面衣香鬢影。OVCProperty十分榮幸連續兩年奪得Property Agency / Consultancy for Hong Kong獎項,引證公司為香港海外物業代理的專業領導地位。
OVC Property行政總裁Stanley Cheung表示:「感謝評審及客戶對OVC Property之肯定,公司成立只有短短數年,已有如此輝煌成績,實有賴前線與後勤同事上下一心,為客戶提供專業的服務。我們並不會因此驕傲,未來將會貫徹公司宗旨,緊密與發展商合作,向客戶搜羅具質素的物業,以及提供貼心的售後服務。」
The results of the prestigious annual global real estate award, Asia Pacific Property Awards 2024-2025, have recently been announced. It was attended by elite real estate agents and top developers worldwide, creating a glamorous spectacle. 
OVC Property was honored to receive the Property Agency / Consultancy for Hong Kong award 2 years in a row, reaffirming our position as one of the leading overseas property agents in Hong Kong. Mr. Stanley Cheung, the CEO of OVC Property, expressed his gratitude by saying, "Our heartfelt thanks to the judges and our clients for recognizing our expertise. We have achieved remarkable success in just a few short years since our establishment. This could not have been possible without the unity and professionalism displayed by our colleagues. We remain committed to our company's mission to work closely with developers to provide quality properties to our customers and to provide exceptional after-sales service."
This prestigious recognition reinforces our commitment to continue exploring new partnerships and opportunities to enhance our services and expertise while remaining humble yet motivated.
#AsiaPacificPropertyAwards #海外物業 #investment  #投資 #租賃管理 #overseasproperty
